Is Your "Woke Bae" Really as Progressive as He Seems?

So, you've been on a few dates with this guy and he seems pretty cool, right? But have you ever stopped to think about whether he's really as open-minded and accepting as he claims to be? It's important to pay attention to those little red flags that might pop up during your conversations. Maybe he makes a questionable comment about a certain group of people, or he seems uncomfortable with certain topics. It's always a good idea to do a little digging before getting too invested. Check out this article for some insight into why it's important to fully assess your date's level of "wokeness" before moving forward.

In the age of social justice movements and increased awareness of societal issues, many people are quick to label themselves as "woke" or progressive. This is especially true in the dating world, where it's become increasingly important to find a partner who shares your values and beliefs. However, just because a guy claims to be woke doesn't necessarily mean he truly is. Here are 15 signs that the guy you're dating might not be as woke as he thinks he is.

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He Talks Over You

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One of the key principles of being woke is listening to and respecting the experiences and perspectives of others. If your guy constantly talks over you or dismisses your opinions, he might not be as progressive as he claims.

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He Doesn't Respect Boundaries

Respecting boundaries is crucial in any relationship, and a woke partner should understand and honor your personal space and limits. If he consistently crosses boundaries or ignores your requests, it's a red flag.

He Doesn't Educate Himself

Being woke means being aware of social issues and taking the time to educate yourself about them. If your guy doesn't take the initiative to learn about important topics like racism, sexism, or LGBTQ+ rights, he might not be as woke as he claims.

He Makes Offensive Jokes

A truly woke partner understands the impact of their words and avoids making offensive jokes or comments. If your guy frequently makes insensitive remarks, it's a sign that he still has some learning to do.

He Doesn't Support Intersectionality

Intersectionality is the understanding that different forms of oppression intersect and overlap. A woke partner should be aware of this concept and support marginalized communities in all their diversity. If your guy only focuses on one aspect of social justice and ignores others, he might not be as progressive as he claims.

He Doesn't Advocate for Change

Being woke isn't just about being aware of issues – it's also about actively working to create change. If your guy doesn't take action or speak out against injustice, he may not be as committed to social progress as he claims.

He Doesn't Check His Privilege

A woke partner acknowledges their privilege and works to use it for good. If your guy doesn't recognize his privilege or is defensive when it's brought up, he might not be as aware of social issues as he claims.

He Doesn't Respect Others' Identities

Respecting others' identities, whether it's their gender, sexuality, race, or religion, is a fundamental part of being woke. If your guy is dismissive or disrespectful towards marginalized identities, he might not be as progressive as he claims.

He Doesn't Support Your Activism

A woke partner should support and uplift your activism and passion for social justice. If your guy belittles or dismisses your activism, it's a sign that he might not truly value these principles.

He Doesn't Acknowledge His Mistakes

Part of being woke is recognizing when you've made a mistake and taking responsibility for it. If your guy is unwilling to acknowledge his mistakes or learn from them, he might not be as open-minded as he claims.

He Doesn't Challenge Problematic Behavior

A woke partner should be willing to call out problematic behavior in others, even if it's uncomfortable. If your guy stays silent when he witnesses injustice, it's a sign that he might not be as committed to social progress as he claims.

He Doesn't Support Your Growth

A woke partner should encourage and support your personal growth and understanding of social issues. If your guy is dismissive of your growth or tries to hold you back, it's a clear indicator that he might not be as progressive as he claims.

He Doesn't Stand Up for You

A woke partner should stand up for you and support you when you face discrimination or injustice. If your guy stays silent or doesn't offer his support, it's a sign that he might not be as committed to social justice as he claims.

He Doesn't Listen to Feedback

Being woke means being open to feedback and willing to learn and grow from it. If your guy is defensive or dismissive when you offer feedback, it's a clear indicator that he might not be as open-minded as he claims.

He Doesn't Practice What He Preaches

Ultimately, actions speak louder than words. If your guy claims to be woke but his actions don't align with his words, it's a sign that he might not be as progressive as he claims.

In conclusion, it's important to be mindful of the signs that your "woke bae" might not be as progressive as he claims. Being truly woke goes beyond surface-level awareness and requires a commitment to learning, growth, and action. If your partner doesn't demonstrate these qualities, it might be time to reevaluate whether he truly aligns with your values and beliefs. Remember, you deserve a partner who is genuinely committed to social progress and equality.